WEEK OF Sept. 4 – January 1, 2023
No shortcuts! Professor Jupiter, your galactic protector, will spin retrograde starting this Monday, Sept. 4, in your sixth-house of work and service, until December 30, While you can accomplish much, your success will come from dotting every “i” and crossing every “t”—not from cutting corners or doing things by half measure. While your sign is large and bold, your ruler may need to be recalibrated as it travels through your sixth-house of precision and details. During this annual four-month backspin—this year in Taurus and your systematic sixth house—you may come to learn firsthand that the destination is less important than the journey. So if you encounter delays, reversals or circuitous detours, know that they’re not inconveniences to be overcome but important experiences cosmically designed to help you grow. Whatever you’re engaged in, be it a work or personal project, stay focused on the process, however repetitive or laborious it may be. By resisting the urge of jumping ship or outsourcing key sections, you will strengthen your connection with your vision. Jupiter, the teacher, has some important lessons to teach you. And when things are done to your satisfaction, you’ll come away with a sense of pride and achievement that couldn’t have come any other way.
Wednesday’s quarter moon in Gemini shines its beams into your seventh house of committed partnerships, inspiring you to restore balance to a key relationship. You don’t have to go to the mats with this person, but you need a clear read on the situation or dynamics that knocked things out of equilibrium. You may become aware of just how much more weight you’ve been carrying or that your other half is a great sharer but not a good listener. Or possibly you could recognize that your generosity is bordering on enabling—or trying to buy affection or loyalty. In order to regain parity you might have to give up some control or acknowledge that you’ve been taking someone’s quiet (yet staunch) support for granted. Don’t wait one more second to rectify that oversight. Let this generous soul know how much you appreciate everything they’ve done for you—and opt for a gesture more meaningful than sending a text!
You will return to your own ambitions for your career on Friday. A rare and powerful trine is occurring between the brave Sun and Jupiter, the gambler. This could lead to business deals accelerating at a rapid pace. Even when it’s back-pedaling, Jupiter brings abundance and luck—along with warnings to keep your expectations realistic. There are many opportunities for advancement. The question is which direction you would like to go in. You might respond to what is happening around you, like an opening in your current workplace to take on a more leadership role. Or maybe you’re ready to create your own dream job, whether within the company or by going off on your own or with a business partner. You should turn up your charisma, and make sure the right people know what you are interested in. Jupiter rules higher learning and travel, so perhaps a training trip would be appropriate for Q4, especially since it could boost your income!
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Ophira Edut and Tali edut are identical twin sisters. The AstroTwins) are ELLE.com’s resident astrologers. They have written several books on astrology, including Momstrology You can also find out more about the following: Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. Visit astrostyle.com or our horoscopes section for their exact predictions, online courses and books.