The journey of learning how to smoke cigars is an essential part of the experience.
This guide invites you to indulge in a ritual of refinement and discernment. Whether you’re lighting your first cigar or seeking to deepen your appreciation, our expert insights are tailored to elevate your experience.
Read on to discover the best way to smoke cigars. Each draw will be a combination of style, traditions, and pleasure.
1. Cigars: What you need to Know
Before learning how to smoke a cigar, it’s crucial to understand what makes a good cigar. Cigars are classified according to their shape and size, also known as the vitola. They can also be classified according to the type of tobacco that is used, which affects the flavor profile. Three main components make up a cigar:
- Wrapper: The outermost layer, visible to the eye, which contributes significantly to the cigar’s overall flavor and character.
- The BinderLeaf that helps to burn the cigar evenly and holds the filler.
- The Filler The core of a cigar is a blend of tobacco leaves which defines its flavor and strength.
2. Selecting the Best Cigar
To understand how to smoke cigars, it is important to select the right cigar. Beginners should start with milder types of cigars and gradually move up to the fuller-bodied ones. Take into account the event, how long you will be able to smoke the cigar and your personal taste. When buying, check the condition of the cigars. You should look for a smooth, dry-free wrapper.
The right cigar is like choosing the best wine. It’s a personal journey that evolves over time. Consider these additional factors:
Size and Shape
Cigars can be found in different sizes and shapes. They are commonly called vitolas. Robustos and Panatelas are only a few examples. The diameter and length of the cigar are used to determine its size. A larger cigar doesn’t necessarily mean a stronger flavor; it often means a longer smoking time.
Flavor Profile
The taste of cigars ranges from mild through to full-bodied. Mild cigars suit beginners and those who like a more subtle taste. Medium-bodied tobacco cigars are more complex and great for people who have refined their palate. Full-bodied cigars have a rich flavor and are often preferred by experienced smokes.
Origin of Tobacco
The flavor of a cigar can be greatly influenced by the country where the tobacco leaves were grown. Cuban cigars have a reputation for richness and complexity while Dominican cigars can be milder and smoother.
Hand-Rolled vs. Machine-Rolled
Hand-rolled cigarettes are usually of higher quality because they are made with more care and attention to details. Machine-rolled tobacco can be uniform in appearance, but lacks the flavor of their hand-rolled equivalents.
3. Cigar Cutting
Cut the cigar to ensure proper airflow for a great smoking experience. Make a clean, 1/16- 1/8 inch cut with a good cigar cutter. Cut the cigar as close to the cap as possible.
These are some more tips:
Different types of cuts
Straight cuts are the most common. However, there are other types such as the V-cut or punch cut. The V-cut is a wedge that creates an opening in the cigar. This, according to some, enhances its flavor. The punch-cut creates a small opening in the cap which concentrates smoke and enhances taste.
Quality of Cutter
Invest in high-quality cutters. Cheap cutters will damage your cigars, resulting in an uneven burning and a less pleasant experience. Sharp, well-made cutters ensure a clean and precise cut each time.
Cutting Technique
Do not hesitate to cut quickly and confidently. Hesitation will result in a ragged cut. Put the cutter flat on the surface, insert the cigar into the cutter, and then snip the cigar in a single fluid motion.
4. Light the Cigar
It is important to understand the art of lighting a cigar. Use a butane lighter or wooden matches, avoiding petrol lighters or candles as they can alter the cigar’s flavor. Toast the foot of the cigar (the end that is open) by holding the cigar above the flame and not directly into it. Rotate the tobacco to ensure an even toast. Then, put the cigar in your mouth, draw in gently, and continue rotating it above the flame until it’s evenly lit.
5. Smoking the Cigar
Smoke the cigar slowly and leisurely once it is lit. Contrary to cigarettes, cigars do not need to be inhaled. Cigarette smoke contains more nicotine, which can make you feel nauseated and dizzy. Inhale the smoke, then savor its flavors. A good draw should be smooth and easy. The cigar might be rolled too tight if you are having to forcefully pull it.
6. Ash and Burn
Allow the ash build-up to reach about 1 inch, then gently tap it off. Long ash indicates a well-constructed smoke. However, don’t let it get too long, as it can affect the burn. The ideal is for your cigar to burn evenly throughout its circumference. If your cigar starts to burn unevenly you can blow on the unburnt part or use a lighter.
7. Enjoying the Experience
The experience of smoking a cigar is just as important as the taste. It’s a moment to relax, reflect, or engage in conversation. Pair your cigar with a suitable drink – classic choices include whiskey, rum, or coffee – and take the time to appreciate the nuances of both.
8. Concluding your Smoke
A cigar is finished when you feel it’s finished. There’s no need to smoke it down to the nub if you’re not enjoying it. When you’re done, simply lay the cigar in the ashtray and let it extinguish on its own. The odors released by crushing or stubbling out a tobacco cigar are unpleasant.
9. Cigar Etiquette
Remember, cigar smoking is also about respect – for the cigar, the environment, and those around you. Smoke only in designated smoking areas. Be mindful of other non-smokers. Sharing cigars can be a part of the experience, but always offer a fresh cigar rather than one you’ve already smoked.
10. Cigars and Storing
The key to maintaining your cigars is proper storage. Ideal is a humidor that maintains a constant level of humidity. If you don’t have a humidor, store your cigars in a cool, humid-free environment, and plan to smoke them within a few days of purchase.
It is important to store your cigars properly in order to maintain their quality. Here’s more on how to store them effectively.
A humidor provides a controlled environment in which your cigars will thrive. A humidor should have a humidity between 68%-72%. This humidity level prevents the cigars drying out or becoming overly moist which can negatively affect the flavor and burn.
Seasoning Your Humidor
Before storing the cigars in a humidor, it must be seasoned. This involves increasing the humidity of the wood to prevent it from absorbing moisture from the cigars. To monitor humidity, wipe the inside with a wet cloth and calibrate a hygrometer.
Rotate the humidor cigars regularly. This will ensure that your cigars receive an equal amount of humidity.
Travel and Temporary storage
Consider a travel case or humidor for short-term storage and travel. These are portable, smaller versions of the traditional humidors that are ideal for keeping cigars in optimum condition while on the move.
Smoking Tips
Like any art form, cigar smoking has its own nuances and best practices. Here are some tips for enhancing your cigar-smoking experience.
Take Your Own Time
It is important to never rush when smoking a cigarette. It’s a leisurely activity meant for relaxation and enjoyment. Smoking a cigar takes anywhere between 30 minutes and over an hour. Enjoy each puff, and allow the cigar to develop its flavors.
Try out different pairings
As with wine, cigars are a great companion to a variety of beverages. Coffee, dark spirits such as whiskey or rum and some wines can compliment different cigar flavors. Try different combinations to discover what suits your palate.
Keep the Band On… Initially
It’s a matter of personal preference, but generally, it’s advisable to keep the band on the cigar for the first few minutes of smoking. The wrapper will not be damaged. As the cigar warms, it is usually easier to remove the band.
Avoid Relighting Stale Cigars
If your cigar goes out and it’s been less than an hour, it’s usually fine to relight it. However, if it’s been longer, it’s better to start with a fresh cigar. Stale cigars can taste bad.
Learn to ‘Retrohale’
For a more intense flavor experience, seasoned cigar smokers use a technique called ‘retrohaling,’ where you gently push the smoke out through your nose. Since your senses of smell and taste are closely connected, you can detect more complex flavor.
Cleanse your palate
You can benefit from a palate cleanser between puffs. Water is excellent for this, but some prefer sparkling water or a mild beverage that doesn’t overpower the cigar’s flavor.
Learn to Educate yourself
The world is full of variety and vastness. It is important to take the time to research different cigars. Find out about their origins as well as their flavors. This will enhance your enjoyment and make you a better smoker.
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Jane Elmets brings a blend of professional experience and personal insight to FashionBeans. She is a respected voice in the lifestyle industry. Her adept exploration of style, from mastering the art of accessorizing to building an enduring capsule wardrobe, showcases her commitment to practical elegance and quality. Jane’s guidance transcends mere trends, focusing on sustainable choices that enhance personal style and ensure longevity in one’s wardrobe. Her foray into the nuanced world of men’s colognes further exemplifies her holistic approach to lifestyle advice, offering readers a well-rounded perspective on creating a memorable presence. Trust in Jane’s expertise stems from her meticulous research and genuine passion for empowering readers through actionable advice, making her a trusted source for those seeking to refine their style and lifestyle choices.
Final Verdict
The journey of cigar-smoking is an exploration of personal style, taste and tradition. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced smoker, the art of enjoying a cigar is a refined skill that complements a sophisticated lifestyle. Remember, each cigar is a story waiting to be told, and with the tips and insights provided, you’re well-equipped to savor every chapter. Each cigar will bring a different dimension to your quest for elegance and pleasure.
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To smoke a proper cigar, draw the smoke in your mouth, enjoy the flavor, and exhale without inhaling deeply.
Beginners who want to enjoy cigars can do so by choosing milder varieties, and taking the time necessary to appreciate their aromas and flavors.
The nicotine in tobacco can cause a high, and the amount of nicotine can differ depending on the cigar type.
To ensure that you can smoke a cigar without a messy opening, do not bite the cap. Instead, use a good cigar cutter.
If you smoke a tobacco cigar, draw the smoke to your mouth and taste it. But unlike smoking cigarettes, do not inhale into your lungs. Doing so can give you a headache and make you dizzy and nauseous, so just don’t do it.
To moisten a cigar before smoking, it’s best to store it in a humidor, which maintains the right humidity level. It is not advisable to moisten a cigar directly, as this can cause uneven burning.
Beginners are often advised to choose a cigar that has a milder taste profile and is smaller in size. This could be a Robusto, Corona or another small cigar.